Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Courses and DescriptionsThe BSCE program covers a field that embraces practically all the other branches of engineering. The course prepares the students to be competent in the field of construction management and engineering, transportation engineering, structural engineering, geo-technical engineering, water resources and hydraulics engineering. In as much as graduates of BSCE are expected to pass the Licensure Examination for Civil Engineers, the program also trains students to pass such said Examination.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Courses and DescriptionsComputer Engineering deals with hardware and software design of digital systems and computers. The field encompasses both the practical and theoretical aspects of the use and design of computers. The early design methodology of computers, analysis, processor design, control design, memory and I/O organization, and system organization – are still important, but have been likely transformed by new applications.
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Courses and DescriptionsThe Electrical Engineering program aims to give the students (1) the fundamentals of electrical engineering science; (2) the modern methods and practices in this field of engineering, tempered with Philippine requirements and conditions; and (3) in instruction and practice in the methods of analysis using the basic principles of physics, mechanics, and mathematics in the solution of electrical engineering problems. It orients the students to the two main fields of Electrical Engineering, namely: the application of electrical energy to light and power and the use of electricity in communication. Within these fields are a great variety of opportunities and activities which are open to those interested in this branch of engineering.