Freshmen/ Applicants’ FAQs

NU Admission Test Related

When is the National University Admissions Test (NUAT)?

Answer: The NUAT is scheduled every Saturday, 8:30 a.m.

How much is the testing fee?

Answer: The testing fee is free.

How do I apply for the NUAT?

Answer: For application procedures, click here for more details.

I have already taken the NUAT last year. Do I still need to take it when I enroll?

Answer: Yes. Your test result is valid for one (1) year only.

I did not do well during the first time I took the NUAT. Can I retake it?

Answer: Yes. You can retake the exam after one (1) year.

Can I change the schedule of my NUAT?

Answer: Yes. Just call the Admissions Office for rescheduling.

How many semesters do you have per school year?

Answer: We started a trimestral calendar this AY 2018-2019.Three terms in an Academic Year.

Enrollment Related

Where do I get information on enrollment procedures and schedules?

Answer: Enrollment information are included in the website, Facebook and Twitter account.

Can I still avail of the 10% discount if I pay the remaining balance in full?

Answer: You can still avail the 10% discount if you pay the remainder of the balance within the enrollment period.

Can I still change my schedule/ block section?

Answer: Yes. You can add/ drop subjects but you cannot change section of an enrolled subject.

I lost my Certificate of Registration, can I still have it replaced?

Answer: Yes. You would need to pay at the Cashier for a reprint. The Registrar’s Office will print you a new copy.

First Week of Classes

I still do not have a uniform. Can I go to class in civilian attire?

Answer: Yes. You are given (1) one month from the start of classes to secure uniforms. While in civilian attire, you are still required to wear your ID and bring your COR.

Where do I purchase PE uniforms?

Answer: PE uniforms are also available at the Bulldogs Exchange at the Jhocson Memorial Building.

Where do I report if I have problems with the uniforms I ordered?

Answer: You may report this at the Office of Student Affairs or Bulldogs Exchange.

If I don’t have a class and I go to NU, can I be in civilian attire?

Answer: It is advisable to be in uniform inside the campus whether you have a class or not.

When is the freshmen orientation?

Answer: The schedules will be announced and posted in your college bulletin boards.

Will I be allowed to take the prelims or the midterms if I do not pay my remaining balance?

Answer: NU has a promissory note system. The Accounting Office will post schedules for application and submission. If your promissory note is approved, you will be allowed to take the exams.

Where can I find information on academic policies?

Answer: You can find all information in the Student Handbook. All new (freshmen and transferees) will be given a Student Handbook provided that they have to pay P 55.00 during the first payment of their tuition fee. Distribution will be announced during the term.

Where can I purchase NU souvenir items such as jackets, t-shirts and ID laces?

Answer: You can purchase these in the Bulldogs Exchange at the Jhocson Memorial Building.

Where do I request for a prospectus of my degree program?

Answer: You may request the prospectus at your College Secretariats or Registrar’s Office.

Where do I inquire/ request for my locker?

Answer: You may proceed to the Office of the Student Affairs at the Ground Floor of Main Building.

Will I be allowed to enter in all the gates of the University?

Answer: No. You can only enter in Gate 1 near Jhocson Main Building.

Financial Assistance

Do you have any financial assistance program for students?

Answer: Yes, NU provides a student assistance program offered to sophomore to senior students who can work at NU while studying. Freshmen are not allowed yet so that they can focus on their studies first during their first year. You can apply at Office of the Students Affair for this program.

Do you have scholarship or discount program?

list of scholarship and discounts and its qualifications