Applicants for admission are required to submit the following:
- Grade 12 Report Card
- Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Photocopy of the NSO Birth Certificate
For Passers of Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) and
Alternative Learning System Accreditation and Equivalency (ALS
- Certificate of Passing
- Certificate of Rating
- Photocopy of Diploma (For ALS A&E passers)
- Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures
- For graduates of 2015 and below – Original Form 138 (Report Card)
- Honorable Dismissal / Transfer Credentials
- Official Transcript of Records (TOR)/ Scholastic Records
- Certificate of Good Moral Character
- Course Description of courses taken and passed
- Photocopy of the NSO Birth Certificate
- Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures
International Students
- Authenticated High School credentials / Form 138 / Transcript of Records
- Authenticated Certificate of Good Moral Character from the School / Police
- Clearance from the country of origin/departure
- Authenticated Certificate of Graduation / Copy of Diploma
- Authenticated Birth Certificate
- Honorable Dismissal / Transfer Credentials (for Transferees)
- Photocopy of Passport, updated Student Visa and Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR)
- Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures
- Cross enroll permit from your school signed by the Registrar’s Office
- Photocopy of the NSO Birth Certificate
- Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures
Graduates of NU:
- Photocopy of Official Transcript of Records
- Photocopy of Diploma
- Photocopy of the NSO Birth Certificate
- Photocopy of the Marriage Certificate
- Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures
Non-graduates of NU:
- Official Transcript of Records (TOR)/ Scholastic Records
- Honorable Dismissal / Transfer Credentials
- Photocopy of Diploma
- Course Description of courses taken and passed
- Photocopy of the NSO Birth Certificate
- Photocopy of the Marriage Certificate
- Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures