Entrance Requirements

Applicants for admission are required to submit the following:


  1. Grade 12 Report Card
  2. Certificate of Good Moral Character
  3. Photocopy of the NSO Birth Certificate
  4. For Passers of Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) and Alternative Learning System Accreditation and Equivalency (ALS A&E)
    • Certificate of Passing
    • Certificate of Rating
  5. Photocopy of Diploma (For ALS A&E passers)
  6. Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures
  7. For graduates of 2015 and below – Original Form 138 (Report Card)


  1. Honorable Dismissal / Transfer Credentials
  2. Official Transcript of Records (TOR)/ Scholastic Records
  3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
  4. Course Description of courses taken and passed
  5. Photocopy of the NSO Birth Certificate
  6. Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures

International Students

  1. Authenticated High School credentials / Form 138 / Transcript of Records
  2. Authenticated Certificate of Good Moral Character from the School / Police
  3. Clearance from the country of origin/departure
  4. Authenticated Certificate of Graduation / Copy of Diploma
  5. Authenticated Birth Certificate
  6. Honorable Dismissal / Transfer Credentials (for Transferees)
  7. Photocopy of Passport, updated Student Visa and Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR)
  8. Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures


  1. Cross enroll permit from your school signed by the Registrar’s Office
  2. Photocopy of the NSO Birth Certificate
  3. Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures

Graduates of NU:

  1. Photocopy of Official Transcript of Records
  2. Photocopy of Diploma
  3. Photocopy of the NSO Birth Certificate
  4. Photocopy of the Marriage Certificate
  5. Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures

Non-graduates of NU:

  1. Official Transcript of Records (TOR)/ Scholastic Records
  2. Honorable Dismissal / Transfer Credentials
  3. Photocopy of Diploma
  4. Course Description of courses taken and passed
  5. Photocopy of the NSO Birth Certificate
  6. Photocopy of the Marriage Certificate
  7. Recent two (2) pieces 2×2 colored ID Pictures